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Monica Hanlin is a modern-day healer who helps relieve pain, shed fears and spiritually empowers others by channeling a frequency of pure healing light through the body. After a session with Monica, you experience an incredible sense of peace, calm and relief from physical and emotional pain.


Find relief from the pain in your body or mind.

Get back in touch with who you are, or who you aspire to be.

Feel a sense of peace and a 
transfer of love.


I have been a healer all my life, but it took a while for me to realize my calling.

My co-workers in corporate America would often say, "The doctor is in" when I entered the room. Psychics insisted that I didn't need their help. Animals flocked to my side. Strangers would tell me, "Get on with the healing work. You're ready."

After I heard that message repeatedly, I decided to commit to my calling—helping others to evolve and heal.


Today I am a modern-day healer, which means I have one foot in the spiritual world and one in the everyday world. A session with me can be brief or sometimes long. It usually involves talking and then silence. But it always involves laughter and relief.


By combining various modalities of energetic healing, I have a way of unblocking stagnant energy in your being, which then opens the floodgates to your highest, most empowered and most inspired, whole self.


The benefits of a session with me go beyond physical relief to include mental, emotional, and spiritual transformation. Clients tend to feel incredible calm, and then find they have an uncanny ability to move forward in areas of life where they were previously stuck.


Monica is the one who FEELS. What a perfect way to describe her. Monica's warmth and compassion, concern and love are so evident when you are around her. These qualities, together with her incredible sense of humor, contagious laugh and smiling face is the starting point for her special gift of healing. She is very intuitive and can go deeper into healing your particular concern. I know she has helped me and I know that she helps others improve their whole being...mind, body and spirit!

—Robin, Sarasota, FL

I had done Reiki before, but I had never experienced anything like what Monica does! I scheduled an energy healing session with Monica during a very stressful time. She managed to take me away from my stress and put things into perspective. Afterward, I felt amazingly balanced and I knew I could indeed handle everything I had on my plate. That confidence and calm helped me get through a lot, and fairly gracefully!

Since that first session, I have not only experienced in-person sessions with Monica but also distance healing. I cannot explain *how* it works just that it *does* work. I lay quietly during our distance session, while she does the work. We¹re not on the phone, or communicating in any sort of physical way. Sometimes I see things, sometimes I¹m just calm and still and nothing comes to me. But in the days following these sessions, I feel like I¹m almost floating, and free, and I find that I attract people to me in ways I don¹t normally. The last time I had a distance session I took advantage of this effect by making cold calls for my business - usually an odious task - and I did it with miraculous ease and great results.

Energy healing from Monica helps me get through the hard times. Now I know that I can go to her whenever I seek a boost of lightness and calm. Turns out, that first session with Monica was one of the most treasured gifts I¹ve ever received.

—Lauri, Seattle

Last December, I was really stressed out and my body ached. Between working more than full-time, being a wife and mom of two young boys and the usual holiday hecticness, I just felt wiped out. Although I have had energy work done once in person by a massage therapist, I wasn't sure how this long-distance energy healing could work - I live in California, Monica's in Oregon - but kept thinking how nice it would be to have the session while I'm home and not have to spend more time away from my family.

At first I was nervous, not knowing what to expect. Monica was really cool and talked me through my nerves and prepped me for what was about to begin.

What I remember most was the feeling of stuff being lifted off of my shoulders. It didn't stop - the whole session I just felt all this weight being continuously lifted from me. When it was over I felt super relaxed and just in a better state to deal effectively with my family. More calm, less nagging. More fun, less stressed. Monica called me afterwards and told me that during the meditation she was drawn to continuously remove negative energy from my shoulders! It was really strange hearing my exact experience from her side! I don't understand it - I just know it works. Monica has such a gift - she is now the only person I will call for energy work.

—Tara, El Dorado Hills, CA

My family accepted distance healing from Monica during a time of personal stress and crisis. The effects were spectacular.

My husband had been suffering constant pain and loss of movement in his shoulder and had been receiving acupuncture from a chiropractor with no improvement. After Monica's distance meditation he experienced his first good night's sleep in weeks and two weeks later was moving furniture down three flights of stairs.

My daughter had just broken up with her partner after several years together. Following Monica's healing session she immediately found herself in an exceptionally positive frame of mind and discovered a new confidence in herself.

I was having difficulty with some "floaters" in one of my eyes that obstructed my vision. My doctor told me that I would learn to stop noticing them but it just wasn't happening. Over the weeks following Monica's help I realized that I was "seeing" them increasingly less until they no longer bothered me. I have no idea how this distance healing works but I can only speak from our experience of the wonderful gift Monica has.

—Eileen, Stafford UK

I saw Monica for a healing session during a period in my life when I was dealing with a lot of change, emotional stress and physical ailments. I have worked with a lot of healers and I am very choosy about who I let "work on me", but immediately after meeting Monica, I was very confident in her ability to help me. Before our first session I only talked with her briefly about my issues of a new move and career struggles. But during the session, she went directly to the areas I knew I was physically having trouble with, but had never told her about. In a very gentle, loving way, she helped me release some major issues I'd been holding onto for way too long, and helped bring back some things I thought I had lost. I felt very renewed and more alive than I'd felt in awhile, helping me to be a happier person, a better parent and a more effective healer myself.

—Amber, Reiki Master

My mother was 97 years old and ready to cross-over. I was very close to her in spirit for most of my life. She and I had a special "soul connection". So, here I was halfway across the country and she was in hospice care. I asked Monica for help and was given a summary of a beautiful meditation (via e-mail) in which she talked to my mother, held her hand and helped her to move past her body easily and gently. This was at the end of June. By the beginning of August she had passed away peacefully in her sleep.

Meanwhile my family had kept a journal of her last days which I was able to read when I went home to her funeral.

My thoughts on this are that it is we who are about to be "left behind" who are experiencing anxiety, that doesn't allow our loved ones to go on their own time. By reading Monica's meditation for my mother, I was able to release this anxiety and let my mother go. I'm sure she felt this and was gratified.

THANK YOU MONICA and BLESS YOU from the entire Bokar/Cole family!

—Maggie, Portland, OR


I perform in-person and remote sessions for people and animals.

Each session lasts between 45 minutes to an hour.


We start with a brief discussion about what you'd like help with. Then, usually in silence, I direct a healing energy through your body (you remain fully-clothed and can be sitting or laying down, whichever is comfortable). During this phase, I see and hear images, messages and guidance for you. I'll go over these with you and suggest what you can do to continue the healing after our session.


These take place at a set, agreed-upon time when you can put aside at least 20 minutes of time in complete, quiet solitude. While I go into the healing meditation, you often will feel a strong sense of calm. I then follow up the session with either a telephone conversation or email relaying the images, messages and guidance that I received. I'll also suggest what you can do to continue the healing after our session.

Remote sessions can be just as effective as in-person sessions. To learn about their powerful effectiveness, please read what some of my clients have said in the
Testimonies section.

To learn more about my healing work, or to schedule a session, please see my
Contact section.





© 2018 Monica Hanlin

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